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When a family learns that they are expecting a child, the news can often bring about a sense of elation. For some women, however, the news may also cause apprehension as they wonder how their pregnancy may affect their employment. Though employers should not discriminate against expectant mothers, pregnancy issues in the workplace are not altogether uncommon.

California residents may be interest in a study that has examined employers’ reactions to news of their employees’ pregnancies. The information in the study indicated that employees are more likely to continue working and thriving in the workplace after the births of their children if their employers had a positive reaction to the news. In many cases, positive reactions to take place, and workers are often relieved.

Unfortunately, there are also instances in which supervisors or managers may react negatively toward the news. In such cases, employees often feel taken aback and feel less willing to continue working in their current environment. Of course, there may also be instances in which workers receive negative treatment from employers due to being pregnant, which could fall into the category of discrimination.

If California workers have faced pregnancy issues in the workplace, they may wonder how to handle the predicament. In particular, if workers have been fired or otherwise negatively affected simply due to expecting a child, they may have reason to take legal action against their employers. Individuals who are concerned with this type of predicament may wish to speak with knowledgeable attorneys to determine whether filing legal claims could suit their specific circumstances.

Source: Slate, ““I’m pregnant.” Why your boss’s reaction may matter more than you think.“, Rachael Ellison, Dec. 1, 2017

Many women hope to one day become pregnant and have a growing family. Though this occasion often marks a time of joy and celebration, numerous women may face concerns about how pregnancy issues could potentially impact their employment. Unfortunately, some employers may take discriminatory actions against female workers when it comes to pregnancy, and those employees could suffer.

It was recently reported that such issues affected some workers at an orchid growing company in California. Apparently, the company told its female employees that they should not get pregnant, and if they did get pregnant, then they would be fired from their positions with the company. At least one worker was required to go on leave after becoming pregnant, and after giving birth, she and other new mothers were terminated from employment.

Due to these discriminatory actions, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission filed a lawsuit on behalf of the female workers for the mistreatment. The orchid company and the EEOC recently came to a settlement regarding the lawsuit. It was reported that the company will pay $110,000 to settle the suit and allegations of pregnancy discrimination.

Women often face enough uncertainties during pregnancy without having to worry about whether they will be fired from their jobs simply due to their expecting a child. When pregnancy issues come about in the workplace and workers are treated unfairly, there may be legal grounds to pursue a lawsuit, as this case shows. If other California workers feel that they have been mistreated by their employers for being pregnant or for potentially becoming pregnant, they may wish to find out more information on their legal options.

Source: Reuters, “California orchid grower settles EEOC pregnancy discrimination lawsuit“, Robert Iafolla, Oct. 16, 2017

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